Liv Well Daily
Liv Well Daily
Olivia (Liv) Workman

Welcome to the LWD Method!

Equipping women to live worthy relationally, nutritionally, physically, and spiritually.

The LWD Method

Equipping women to live worthy relationally, nutritionally, physically, and spiritually. The Liv Well Daily Method is built on Ephesians 4:1-7. My hope is to invite all women in, engage with their stories, and begin to heal their bodies using Biblical truth and holistic nutrition and hormone healing! 

Sister, God created your body to thrive and my method will teach you how to do just that! 

Why You Should Join Me

This community gives women access to Liv and her life-changing  method created specifically for women without the cost of one-on-one coaching. Not only will you get to engage with Liv in group coaching, live events, and seasonal gatherings for members only, but you will also begin to connect with other like minded women in this space! 

This space includes: 

- Weekly live sculpt fitness classes

- Access to sculpt fitness library 

- Monthly workshops 

- Private groups for group coaching for pre, peri, and postmenopausal women with monthly group coaching

- Recipes and customized nutrition plan based on the course or challenge you are participating in

- Hormone Balancing Course with 3 week detox plan

- 30 Day Discipline Challenge with fitness protocol, daily scripture reading, and nutrition plan  

- Community is everything! Enjoy direct messaging and posting on the app and get to know other like minded women

When we start

You can begin your Liv Well Daily journey today! 

Enroll now and begin or continue your coaching experience with Liv and other like minded women :)